1.who am I-son
2.who are they-family
3.what for-high tea
4.1st tank-buying the materials
5.2nd tank-prepare all ingredients
6.3rd tank-eat
How to make homemade chicken chop
1.who am I-son
2.who are they-brother & sister
3.what for-breakfast
4.1st tank-prepare all ingredients
5.2nd tank-combine the flour,breadcrumbs and seasoings into another bowl.
6.3rd tank-finish & eat
7.outcome- enjoy
How to take care a dog
1.who am I-owner
2.who is it-dog
3.what for-let other owner know how to take care a dog
4.1st tank-must give dog eat at least one meal per day
5.2nd tank-bath for dog at least twice per week
6.3rd tank-treat them like your favorite thing.
7.outcome-good owner
your topics are quite easy now. You can extend your topic a little further such as the first one, how you make a doughnut healthier, the ingredient must be different, and how to take care a dog can be more specific(certain species) so that there are different value in your website, not just the general information where everyone already know. Please do more research and extend your topic further. Good luck!