Sunday, May 15, 2011

How to...

How to make donuts

1.who am I-son
2.who are they-family
3.what for-high tea
4.1st tank-buying the materials
5.2nd tank-prepare all ingredients
6.3rd tank-eat

How to make homemade chicken chop
1.who am I-son
2.who are they-brother & sister
3.what for-breakfast
4.1st tank-prepare all ingredients
5.2nd tank-combine the flour,breadcrumbs and seasoings into another bowl.
6.3rd tank-finish & eat
7.outcome- enjoy

How to take care a dog
1.who am I-owner
2.who is it-dog
3.what for-let other owner know how to take care a dog
4.1st tank-must give dog eat at least one meal per day
5.2nd tank-bath for dog at least twice per week
6.3rd tank-treat them like your favorite thing.
7.outcome-good owner